Tag Archives: Health



Getting in shape? Learn 10 fitness facts that will help motivate you to get moving.

1. Walking and Your Heart: Studies have suggested that walking at a brisk pace for three or more hours a week can reduce your risk for coronary heart disease by 65 percent.

2. The Sedentary: About 25 percent of American adults — and an even greater percentage of women — are sedentary. After age 44, upwards of 30 percent of women are sedentary, and by age 65, the proportion increases to almost 35 percent. By the time they reach age 75, about 50 percent of all women are sedentary.

3. Regular Exercise: Only about 22 percent of American adults engage in regular, sustained physical activity for at least 30 minutes five times a week, and only 15 percent exercise both regularly and vigorously.

4: Age and Fitness: No matter how poor your current level of fitness, you can start an exercise routine and become fitter and healthier. Even 90-year-old women who use walkers have been shown in studies to benefit from light weight training.

5: Daily Exercise: Simply adding movement into your daily routine can increase your level of fitness. For example, if you park in the last row of the parking lot and walk briskly five minutes each way between your office and your car, walk up and down the stairs at your office during your 10-minute afternoon coffee break, and walk the dog for 10 minutes when you get home, you’ve racked up 30 minutes of exercise for the day.

6: Arthritis and Movement: Women with heart disease or arthritis actually experience improved daily function from involvement in various modes of physical activity.

7: Fitness Components: Fitness consists of four components: your body’s ability to use oxygen as a source of energy, which translates into cardiovascular fitness; muscular strength and endurance; flexibility; and body composition.

8: Balanced Exercise Program: To address all the components of fitness, an exercise program needs to include aerobic exercise, which is continuous repetitive movement of large muscle groups that raises your heart rate; weight lifting or strength training; and flexibility exercises or stretching.

9: Walking vs. Jogging: Walking at a brisk pace (a 15-minute mile or 4 mph) burns almost as many calories as jogging for the same distance. The benefit of jogging is that it takes less time to cover the same distance and it benefits the bones; however, it may be too strenuous for some.

10: Workout Results: It takes about 12 weeks after starting an exercise program to see measurable changes in your body. However, before 12 weeks, you will notice an increase in your strength and endurance.

By Discovery Fit and Health Writers

Fitness Tips – Fitness Tips for Women in Their 60s

Fitness Tips - Fitness Tips for Women in Their 60s

Vibrancy in your 60s is easy with a little planning and knowledge. There’s no reason to slow down your activities. You just need to be savvy about where to focus your energies. I train many women in their 60s and they enjoy their lives as much as ever.
Below are some areas to focus on and guidelines to follow to stay healthy and fit.

Family History
Your DNA is more important now than ever before. Take stock of your family history. Are there any health issues that are prominent? If so, you’ll need to talk with your doctor about how to stay ahead of any problems. A fitness routine designed to work around an issue such as osteoporosis or heart disease is simple and effective. You could add years to your life and keep your joints graceful and fluid.

Weight Bearing Exercises
Strength training is crucial in the prevention of osteoporosis but also great for posture, alignment and muscle tone. Your muscles begin to atrophy in your 30s and the effects are more evident in yours 60s. You can slow down and even reverse the process with a smart weight training routine. Try circuit training in your health club or working with a personal trainer to devise the best routine for you. Other great options are yoga, Pilates and free weight work. Try out a few different combinations to see what works best for you. Aim for 2-3 sessions per week.

Smart Cardio
Perhaps the years have taken a toll on your joints and a quick 5-mile run isn’t what it used to be on your knees or back. It’s time to work smart with your cardio choices. Regular cardio training will keep your heart healthy. A brisk walk, elliptical or arc training and other forms of low impact cardio are all good choices. If you love certain activities you don’t have to give them up. Cut back on the amount of time you do them each week and substitute with easier forms of cardio. If you’re as healthy as you’ve always been then there’s no need to cut back at all. Enjoy your body and enjoy this decade. Aim for 150 minutes of cardio per week. That’s about 22 minutes per day.

Balance Work
Keeping bones healthy and strong is important in your 60s, but avoiding falls is equally important. Working on balance is a big part of avoiding falls and recovering from wobbly moments. Yoga and Pilates both work on balance or if you’re in a gym environment you can work with a BOSU or Styrofoam rollers. Whenever you start balance training I strongly urge you to work with a fitness professional to find the right starting point and to progress quickly.

Mental Agility
Keep the neurons firing quickly with cardio and resistance training. By exercising regularly you’ll be quicker on your feet and also quicker in your mind. Mental agility training takes many forms such as the daily crossword puzzle, Sudoku or reading a challenging text from a literary or science journal.

Sample Fitness Plans

Make sure to get in 30 minutes of brisk walking five or six days per week. Add on one circuit training class and one yoga class.
Mix 35 minute sessions of elliptical training and treadmill walk/runs five or six days per week. One Pilates mat class and one free weight workout will complete the mix.

Do your favorite cardio for 40 minutes three days per week and cross-train with a low impact form of cardio two to three days per week, also for 40 minutes. Pilates equipment class or a strenuous yoga class and one personal training session or bootcamp class will complete your week.

As a woman in your 60s, you know what you like and you know how to take care of yourself. With big family responsibilities behind you and more time for yourself it’s a perfect decade for “me” time. Enjoy.

Fibromyalgia and Inflammation

Fibromyalgia and Inflammation

I found this article, relating to “Inflammation” I have found that putting turmeric on my food has been helpful – have to be persistent with it which I am not always, also spicing my food with ginger or putting it into juices – I know that there are days where we just don’t have the energy to do these things. Thought I would share anyway.

What Everyone Should Know About Inflammation: A Cardiologist Explains
JULY 8, 2013 12:00 PM EDT

Regular readers of MindBodyGreen are aware that a process in our bodies called inflammation is involved in many aspects of human health and disease. For example, you may have read that a breakfast of Egg McMuffins, sleep apnea, obesity and ultra-exercise are inflammatory, while turmeric, meditation and the Mediterranean diet are anti-inflammatory, and so on. Lost in the search for vitality and longevity is an understanding of what inflammation is and what can be done to tame it. In many ways, inflammation is a Goldilocks process – you don’t want too much or too little, but just the right amount.

When I explain inflammation to patients, I point out that the middle of the word is “flame,” and that it comes from the Latin “I ignite.” Inflammation is a complex process of cells and chemicals in our bodies standing ready to fight infections and other threats, and is a life saver when it’s a controlled reaction to a threat. For example, you may experience inflammation when you’re working on your deck and get a wood splinter. Maybe a mosquito lands on your back and enjoys some of your blood (hopefully full of fresh green juice!). Maybe you sprained your ankle when your perfect yoga hand stand came crashing down.

Over 2,000 years ago, the signs of acute inflammation were described as including pain, warmth, redness and swelling. This “first responder” wave of healing occurs because cells in the area are surveying their environment all the time with detectors on their surface that act much like radar watching for invaders. These detectors are called pattern recognition receptors (PRR). If a PRR detects something that has a “foreign” structure – a pathogen-associated molecular pattern, or PAMP – it will ring the fire alarm internally in the cell and surrounding blood vessels.

Chemicals begin to pour out that cause blood vessels to dilate (redness, warmth and swelling); others increase the sensitivity to pain, and the next thing you know, your ankle or finger is a hot, red, sore mess. These chemicals attract white blood cells that begin to clean up the area by engulfing foreign proteins. Enough white blood cells clumped together is called pus. After a period of increased blood flow, helping to dilute the irritant and bringing fighters to the scene, other factors that promote clotting are released and work to balance and decrease the blood flow. This is what happens when you scrape your knee and it weeps for a while but then scabs over.

Some of the star chemicals involved in this process deserve a shout-out. Histamine is waiting to be released when an injury occurs, and causes arteries to expand and leak fluid (think of an antihistamine pill drying up your nose). Interleukins, such as IL-8, come from macrophages (“big eaters” in Greek, ready to swallow substances sensed as foreign) and bring their best friends: white blood cells. The white cells arrive to fight for your recovery because chemical attractants – sort of a white blood cell perfume – are released. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) also is released from macrophage cells, and may produce fever and loss of appetite. Nitric oxide is a gas released by the inner lining of blood cells and can be dumped out to increase blood flow when an injury occurs.

While inflammation is a protector of our health when it’s an acute response, chronic inflammation is a different story. A diverse group of medical illness are believed to be caused in part by chronic activation of the same chemical and cellular processes described above. These include asthma, acne, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and even atherosclerosis of heart arteries. In fact, in 1856 Rudolf Virchow proposed that arterial disease was an inflammation of blood vessels and now, over 150 years later, people who fear heart disease are routinely checked for this process.

So how does a natural, acute response become a chronic condition? Some of the reasons include injury to the gut (leaky gut syndrome) from processed foods, trans fats, sugars, alcohol, gluten and dairy allergies, toxins, ultra-exercise, obesity, inadequate sleep, and excessive stress and anger.

What can you do to keep your balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory reactions in the “Goldilocks” position? There are foods that you can add daily to your meals that cool down inflammation, such as ginger, turmeric, basil and rosemary. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and small amounts of olive oil, can do the same. Avoiding processed foods, dairy, wheat and sugar are also good strategies. Nutritional supplements, such as vitamin D3, omega-3 fish oil, probiotics, turmeric capsules, and boswellia can be helpful. Avoiding toxins such as pesticides and GMO foods by selecting organic products, taking care to choose skin and personal use products that do not contain irritant chemicals, and drinking purified water are solid recommendations. Getting adequate sleep, controlling your weight, and getting regular doses of moderate exercise will help keep you in balance.

Remember, you can use these relatively simple lifestyle choices to keep the flame of inflammation at a low level and not get burned.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com

Fibromyalgia and Abuse

The more women I am in touch with in regards to FM/CFS, the more many (read most) seem to have in common…and that is sadly one of abuse (emotional and/or physical). One study briefly touched upon the hypothalamus gland not developing fully in children of abusive parents…ending in the result of FM/CFS (among other things). I know that this is a very delicate subject, but the more we share with each other about this, the more we start to get a better understanding of these illnesses. So. If you are brave enough to share, please do. I for one grew up in a very emotionally abusive home and to this day walk on eggshells with my mother. What about you?


Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Weight Gain By Dr. Mike Swierczynski

Weight gain is a major concern for many fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) sufferers. The weight they gain adds insult to injury meaning it is already tough enough for these FMS sufferers to be in so much discomfort from their fibromyalgia, now they have to battle with weight gain on top of their other symptoms.

Many fibro sufferers typically have Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS for short, which is a condition associated with fibromyalgia. Because of their irritated bowels, most sufferers have to limit, watch or restrict their consumption of food especially during an acute IBS flare-up. Even with their restricted diets, these fibromyalgia and IBS sufferers’ still gain weight. Simply put, even if they are not eating much, they still gain weight.

This scenario becomes very baffling to them. Many of these sufferers try every a weight-loss plan or fibromyalgia diet; there is with the hope that they will lose weight. Often times they do lose weight for a short period of time but end up gaining it back after a few months.

Here are some of the reasons why fibromyalgia syndrome sufferers gain weight:

· Fibromyalgia sufferers are typically under a lot of stress. Increased stress leads to the excess release of the stress hormone cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels contribute to fat storage.

· Most fibromyalgia sufferers do not sleep well. By not getting enough deep sleep, our bodies do not produce enough of another hormone called; growth hormone. Growth hormone stimulates our muscle tone, burns fat and improves insulin sensitivity. Without optimal amounts of growth hormone, our body will have a tendency to store fat.

· Some fibro sufferers do not eat enough food throughout the course of the day. When a sufferer doesn’t eat enough, their metabolism will slow down and muscle weight (muscle tone) will decrease but body fat won’t. This is because muscle tone regulates metabolism. Increased muscle tone means a higher metabolism and a higher metabolism means the more calories one will burn, even at rest. This will help you keep your weight under control. This is also why it is important to perform a basic exercise program.

· Some fibro sufferers eat too much “junk food.” Eating sugary snacks (mostly because they are convenient) will spike your blood sugar, which will cause your body to release insulin. These insulin “spikes” will signal your body to store more fat in the body.

· Weight gain or water retention are side-effects from many of the fibromyalgia medications that sufferers are taking.

· Many FMS sufferers do not exercise enough (if at all) because of constant pain or chronic fatigue. This will obviously decrease your metabolism and contribute to weight gain.

Dr. Mike Swierczynski DC, MS

To learn more about fibromyalgia and weight gain, please visit: http://fibromyalgia-info.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Mike_Swierczynski

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1671637

Shakeology Pricing Breakdown

Shakeology Pricing Breakdown

It has been my experience that one of the biggest hang ups people have with Shakeology is the product price. When you just look at the surface, the Shakeology price seems to be very expensive. But in all actuality, when you dig deeper into it, you’ll discover that it’s really an incredible bargain and value for what you get.

First, just in case you don’t know the Shakeology price I’ll break it down for you. If you order a bag of Shakeology you will get a full 30 day supply which comes to $4/day. If you order the individual packets of Shakeology you’ll only get 24 servings which comes to $5/day. The reason it costs more and you get less servings with the individual packets is simply because it costs more for the company.That is why I always recommend that you just get a bag of Shakeology since you get more for your money and you get the best possible Shakeology price. If you really want or need individual servings of Shakeology, then just buy some cheap zip lock bags and seperate what you need. However, if you’re not on a tight budget, but you need the individual packets, then I say just go for it!!
As I mentioned above, a lot of people get hung up on the price of Shakeology. When I’m talking about it with someone, usually the first or second question that they have about it is the price. When I tell them the Shakeology price sometimes people give me funny looks. I know what they’re typically thinking, “Wow, that stuff is expensive!” However, once I explain to them exactly what’s inside Shakeology and what it does for them they quickly see the value behind it. Here is a great video by Tony Horton, creator of P90X and his breakdown of “How Healthy Is Your Shake?”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzHPVDtzr-QIS IT WORTH THE PRICE?If you haven’t already checked out the above video, take the time to do so now. The short and sweet answer to that question about whether or not Shakeology is worth it…YES!!! It is worth every single penny and more!! Think about it…the Shakeology price is $4/serving. Shakeology has been designed as a meal replacement(which is exactly how I use it and how you should too). So you’re paying $4 for a meal that is 100% natural, filled with antioxidants, phyto-nutrients, pre-biotics, digestive enzymes, protein, vitamins, minerals, etc. etc. It literally has everything your body needs so that you maintain optimal health.The Shakeology ingredient list, the fact that it’s 100% natural, and what those ingredients can do for you in itself should prove to you that the Shakeology price is totally worth every single cent and more. Again, Shakeology is incredible stuff and can help to lower your cholesterol, lose weight, improve your digestion and regularity, as well as to reduce your cravings and increase your energy.HOW DO I ORDER IT AND GET THE BEST POSSIBLE PRICE?To get the best Shakeology price you’ll want to order Shakeology on the home direct/autoship plan. That means you’ll get Shakeology each month in the flavor of your choice so you don’t run out. One of the biggest benefits to getting it on autoship is that you get FREE shipping which saves you $$! And if, by some chance you decide you do not like the Shakeology or you are not seeing results, you can send the empty bag back for a complete refund, no questions asked! I encourage you to go ahead and order yourself a bag of this stuff and try it for yourself by heading to my website below and clicking on Shop-www.mefinallyfit.com*You can also contact me for a 5 day sample pack for $25.00.HOW CAN I GET A MAJOR DISCOUNT ON IT OR EVEN FREE??If you want to get the best possible Shakeology price and you are truly committed to improving your health and fitness, then read on. I’m going to explain to you quickly how you can get an awesome discount on Shakeology. To get an incredible discount, you would sign up as a Beachbody Coach and join my team. As a coach you will get a 25% discount on Shakeology as well as be able to refer your family and friends to it and earn some extra cash. If you get just 3 people on Shakeology autoship, then you’ll actually have your Shakeology COMPLETELY paid for so it will be FREE!! It’s a lot easier to do then you may think, so it may be worth checking out.If you have other questions that have not been answered please contact me:


*Don’t forget to ask me about our Military Discount offered to all of our HEROS!!